Xiang Long


Ph.D. Candidate (final year)
Department of Computer Science
456 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Email: [first-name-starting-with-x]@cs.cornell.edu


My research interests lie in the intersection of software-defined networking and programming languages, along with a dabbling of computation and complexity theory. Currently, I am trying to devise an equational theory for match-action tables and pipelines commonly used in packet-switching dataplanes. On the practical side, I have worked with software packet forwarders in the realms of P4 and Vector Packet Processing (VPP) / fd.io.

At Cornell I am advised by Prof. Dexter Kozen, whom I have much to thank for his multi-disciplinary approach to problems and wide research interests. I also appreciate Profs. Nate Foster and Cynthia Farina serving on my committee.

My other academic interest outside Computer Science is Law, which I take as my minor subject in Cornell's CS Ph.D. program. This included a much-enjoyed brief opportunity to contribute some short legal research to Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute.

Before Cornell, I completed my BA (MA 2016) and MEng in Computer Science at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK. I have many fond memories of Cambridge. Perhaps I will return someday!




Work Experience

May-August 2019

Software Engineer Intern Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA

May-August 2018

Software Engineer Intern Google LLC, Madison, WI, USA

May-August 2015, 2016

Ph.D. Student Intern Cisco Systems, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

July-September 2012

Research Intern Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany

June-September 2011

Software Engineer Intern Google UK, London, United Kingdom

July-September 2010

Research Intern University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, United Kingdom

